
Explore how Reiki can lead you to deep personal transformation by harmonizing your energy, helping you to surmount challenges, boost your overall wellness, and unlock your ultimate potential.

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What is Reiki?

Reiki is a safe and non-intrusive ancient Japanese technique that encourages deep relaxation to activate the natural healing process and works holistically on the mind, body and spirit. Reiki energy is transferred by a therapist’s light touch at various points on or above the body.

Reiki can heal your life in a truly encompassing sense. Not only does it stimulate your body's innate healing abilities and deal with physical ailments, it goes right down to the root of problems, whether physical, mental, or emotional.

Reiki brings inner peace, helps to relax and cope with stress, harmonising body and mind.

Reiki can be used as a complementary therapy. It complements and enhances the health care the person receives from other health care providers, but please note that a Reiki treatment is not a substitute for conventional therapies. Always consult a medical professional as well.

What to expect during a session?

Lying comfortably on a therapy couch, the client remains fully clothed during the treatment.

The practitioner's hands may be placed on the head, or on various position near the Chakras along the torso. Often, the hands are placed intuitively. If wished, the treatment can remain "hands-off" with the practitioner holding their hands about 10 cm above the client's body.

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Do you offer distance healing?


Distance Reiki treatments are just as effective as in-person treatments, allowing clients to receiving healing from afar. Distance Reiki can be sent to a person, animal, situation, time or place. Sending Reiki is possible because energy is not confined and can transcend time and space so it is easily transmitted anywhere. It flows beyond time and space.

Distant treatment lasts 30 minutes.

Connect with me for a personalised consultation.